Some people, on the other hand, are just complete pieces of shit.
Ah, that's harsh. They're not really hypnotizing women into being their sex slaves, they're just spinning elaborate fantasy worlds about it, and no one's really getting hurt. These guys aren't pieces of shit, they just wish they were. Which is just funny.
Random featured article: Women are Bitches... Don't get uptight ladies, it's just a metaphor for dogs! You know, dogs you want to have sex with.
Dont treat a dog like a person. Treat a dog like a dog.
Corollary: Dont treat a woman like a man. Treat a woman like a woman. My friends wife wants to "talk about our situation" but "today isnt right. Lets talk on Sunday". I told him, "Fuck that. First off, as soon as you start "talking" about the relationship, you're fucked, because women are incapable of holding a logical, honest discussion about solving a problem.
Well. There ya go. Do I really have to say anything about that? I don't think I could do it logically and honestly, anyway. Remember folks, at its heart PUA is about loving and respecting women! (Incidentally, this guy is also wrong about dog training.)
Jesus. Okay, how about The Ten Rules of PUA?
1.Be honest, Don't Lie
Well, except for the rather large lie of omission about you playing a massive bizarre Internet-based RPG in which she counts as an XP point.
2.Always leave a girl better than you found her.
Take her in for regular repairs and oil changes, and throughly wash and vacuum her as a courtesy to the next owner.
3.Logistics seperate Masters and Amateurs.
This was one of the most important things I ever learned. NVP taught me it. There is no point in trying to bring a girl home, if your roommates mom is there that weekend.
Ah yeah, that's a real high-level advanced move there, actually having a bed to put your conquests in. I'm fairly sure by "roommates mom is there" he means "my mom is home and my swanky basement room doesn't have a separate entrance."
4.It is very hard to say no while laughing
Actually, in certain cases it's hard to say no without laughing.
Christ, and so on. A lot of this article is just him telling ridiculously fake stories about women he seduced instantly and absolutely through methods he curiously never details. "At first she hated me, but I just, y'know, worked my stuff, and five minutes later she was sharing my cock with her best friend. This is totally normal for me." Yeah, whatever.
And then there's... whatever the fuck this is.
The weird thing is I do know a couple guys who get laid all the time, and not only are they not PUAs, they're really not jerks either. Jerks got laid in high school, but out in the real world most alpha-dog douches have pretty sparse and unhappy relationships. The men I know who have the most and best sex are the ones who genuinely like women (which is different from genuinely liking to bone them) and have female friends. Guys who can make sex a fun friendly thing get about a million times more casual pussy than guys who treat women like goalkeepers.
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