A guy tried to PUA me once. Did the ridiculous "think of a time when you were very excited and filled with lust" thing, the touch...

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A guy tried to PUA me once. Did the ridiculous "think of a time when you were very excited and filled with lust" thing, the touch...
Sometimes I think I spend too much time picking on my own side. Feminists, perverts, girly girls, we may have our differences but ultimatel...
Right now A Softer World is where my head's at. Stuff like this and this is almost beautiful in its pretentious Canadian webcomic wa...
I'm not seeing a whole picture. I'm seeing soft brown eyes gone wide, the curve of neck to muscled shoulder, the pale-tan skin of a...
CFNM is a fetish interest in "clothed female, naked male." It's a femdom thing, not an exhibitionist thing--the idea isn'...
Today I brought home two new members of the Pervocracy family! That's Rose on the left and Violet on the right. They're sisters, th...
Today I saw a man suck his own cock. It filled me with a sense of almost childlike wonder. It was like learning that the Loch Ness Monster...
I know, no posting, bad blogger, sit in the corner. I've just been having a busy, sexless, and sort of down time. My body's beat u...
I wish I'd let Tommy stun-gun me. I wanted it, sort of, but I'm kind of phobic about electricity, and when I heard the noise it made...
This week was my one-year anniversary with [ORGANIZATION] and I got an unexpectedly enormous bonus! I invested it responsibly. This is Brit...
It always bothers me when straight guys claim they "can't tell" if another guy is attractive. It's such an annoying form ...
Today I discovered the distaff equivalent of a woman licking a popsicle: a man eating a pudding cup without a spoon. (My rib is probably jus...
I think I cracked a rib at work today. CC was on one side of a big heavy thing pushing forwards, I was on the other side pulling backwards,...
Slight letdown: it turns out that your performance with a target .22 will not be entirely representative of your experience with a compact 9...
Today I took the first half of the NRA Basic Pistol class. I was worried at first that it wouldn't be right for me because I've alr...
This one is GreenEarth's fault. I mean, okay, like everything else on this blog it's obviously my fault, but GreenEarth gave me th...
Man, there's nothing like Dad coming to visit your usually-private little den to make you realize just how many things you own need to b...
Lately I've had a spate of everything-but sex. In the last three months I've had sex like twenty times and I don't think I'...
It's "The SEXY Issue"! Not like all those other issues! Whitney Port (who???) on the cover! I actually like her dress! But...
I'm hopelessly amused by the picture and copy on this bondage-gear website . For high-protocol training and/or high-speed impacts! I h...
"Well, that was fun." "Sure was!" "Well, goodnight." "Well..." "Yeah..." "Uh..."...
brb, goin out with cute coworker squeeeeeeeee
Today I was fixing a piece of big metal equipment, squatting next to it with pliers and a wrench and a lot of stupid-frickin-thing-argh grum...
Here's a statement that seems to come equally from snotty jerks on every point on the political spectrum and never fails to infuriate me...
I woke up at about three this morning with the kind of sexual appetite I haven't had in a good ten months. I was just lying in bed and ...
Yes, in addition to all the other services provided herein, I will give you advice on your personal problems! Not good advice, I'm twen...