I took it to the range yesterday and oh my gosh am I happy with it. It fits me just perfectly--when I'm holding it comfortably and naturally, wherever my arm bone points, that's exactly where the bullet goes. It's small enough for my (cargo pants) pocket, big enough that there's very little recoil. Even in my decidedly inexpert hands it was accurate and reliable. And it's also pretty and fun. I am in wuv.
(I also shot my friend's .44 magnum, and damn. On the one hand, it would certainly work as a self-defense weapon because if you shot that damn thing at me, I'd probably fall down even if you missed. [Even assuming an adversary slightly less wussy than myself, they'd still be deaf, disoriented, and thoroughly intimidated.] But on the range it's just uncomfortable to shoot. Gets a lot of attention from the neighboring lanes, though.)
I'll post the obligatory picture of a teeny little dead-center grouping as soon as I'm good enough to actually, y'know, produce one. I've got a lot of practicing to do. Oh, what a tiresome chore...
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