I don't know why, but gun shops and ranges seem to be roughly as gender-balanced as the Marine Corps. It's not like you need a ton of physical strength; if anything, knowing how to shoot is more important if you're not strong. I guess it's a little that some women are less comfortable thinking about violence, and mostly one of those self-perpetuating things where a woman sees a store full of big hairy guys and bikini posters and feels like she might not be so welcome there.
(It stops at appearances, though; every gun place I've ever been to has ranged in attitude from "hey, any adult with good money is welcome here" to "we're downright happy to see women learning to shoot.")
I don't want to shoot a person, obviously, and I don't ever expect to. But in the very low likelihood that I ever do get into a "them or me" scenario, it's kind of nice to be able to choose them. In the meantime, shooting is just fun.
It frustrates me sometimes that "guns are bad" is so often part of the political package deal with feminism. Personally, I think that women should be powerful--deadly powerful.
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