Something just struck me as incredibly funny about that last post. Here is a writer blogging about a legal change that will provide family ...

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Something just struck me as incredibly funny about that last post. Here is a writer blogging about a legal change that will provide family ...
Man, Twisty Faster is the freakin' queen of hating people who are on her side. Sure we have the most liberal president in decades or po...
I have huuuge bruises on my inner thighs. (Pics later maybe.) Date with Surgery this weekend. I wonder if I can sneak them past Surgery or ...
Too much goddamn honesty on this blog, that's my problem! I'm a hot slinky 110-pound double-D cup who's "known," if yo...
Dammit, dammit, dammit. I was playing with a hittybuddy friend I've played with quite a few times in the past, and we were having a gran...
We have a serious problem with "I love you." We've over-bundled it. "I love you" really means the following things...
The sexy blogosphere is dogpiling on this NYT article so I figure I'll join the party. This article is about scientists. (Well, psycho...
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When I don't feel like writing an entry, I have Google Analytics there to write it for me! Well, Google Analytics and a surprising numb...
(You see an emergency room. I see a man farm .) Well, after the disappointment of the munch I went out and spent some quality time with a f...
Welp, tonight I went to the munch in my town and I was not happy. I walked in the door and the first thing that happened was that a woman I ...
You know, with all the people out there claiming that there are no physical signs of virginity, that nonvirgins can have intact hymens that ...
There's a fundamental problem with reading or writing sex stories: two separate and almost exclusive standards of quality. There's ...
Sometimes--way too often--I think "I should go have sex with someone, so I'll have some juicy content for the blog." Unfortuna...
It's funny, the older I get, the less tolerant I feel about older people having sex with teenagers. When I was a teenager, I was all fo...
I got a pretty. I don't know why, but gun shops and ranges seem to be roughly as gender-balanced as the Marine Corps. It's not like...
Man, I wish I was half as horny on Saturday nights as I am Wednesday mornings.
Man, I hate it when people answer "homosexuality is wrong" with "homosexuality isn't a choice." I believe that that...
Sometimes I'm really, really lonely.
Dear diary, Today I shaved a very hairy man's entire body (excepting obviously head and forearms). I'm not sure if it was exactly s...
The new Cosmo is out! I bought it as soon as I saw it and I can't wait to read the whole thing oh boy... I mean, boo! Boo. We don...
Back in the era of my puberty, we didn't have these fancy Internets. (Actually, we kinda did, but I didn't have one in my room.) A...
My roommate's bedroom shares a wall with mine, and when she clunks stuff around I can hear it. She and her boyfriend will often spend l...
I don't know which was worse: the first time I bought condoms and felt the clerk's disapproving eyes burning right through me, or th...