[Guest post by Rowdy] One of the typical assumptions about monogamy is that the heart is a defined quantity, to love more than one person is...

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[Guest post by Rowdy] One of the typical assumptions about monogamy is that the heart is a defined quantity, to love more than one person is...
I am horny. Oh my god am I horny. I was horny driving home from work this morning to the point where I could barely hold it until I got h...
God, "Psychology Today" is such a shitrag. Today, someone linked me to this article about beauty, and why it's only for wome...
Cosmo tells me not to "bark orders like a drill sergeant," ("DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY THRUSTS! HOOAHH!"), but I think one...
God help me I'm ending this. Heels today are actually built like weapons. They're higher and thinner than they've ever been bef...
Someday, I want to get pseudo-married. I've been dreaming of this for years (seriously). I have it all planned out. I'm a verita...
So many negative posts lately! This is what happens when I don't get laid for an entire week. (Yes, yes, world's tiniest violin. ...
"Women can get laid whenever they want. Their only job is deciding who they don't want to sleep with. Women don't even know ...
One of the most dearly held yet utterly inexplicable tenets of the MRA/PUA/creepy-Internet-men-in-general complex is the following (paraphra...
(Programming note: I'm going to be out of town from today til Tuesday or Wednesday next week. I'm taking the netbook, but I never k...
I was reading the blog Manboobz , which is fascinating in a sort of constantly infuriating way, and has, er, "lively" debate in mo...
The new Cosmo is here! Blue cover! Hayley Williams! She looks vaguely "alternative-y" and against my better judgement I'm k...
Here's something I'm still conflicted about: finding a statement that is basically feminist, basically accepting, but has some flaws...
A multiple system, or one of its members (apologies because I will fuck up terminology here) commented on my last post about how often they...
One of the subtler nastinesses about having an "alternative" lifestyle is the fear of revealing any personal conflict or angst to ...
Sorry I've been quiet the last few days. The last week of work seems determined to see me out with a proper "YOU FUCKING BITCH I W...
(In which the author makes a precipitous descent into pure hippiedom.) Ozymandias left the following comment on my last post, and it really ...
(Yes, I'm so tired I've been reduced to coming up with post material while asleep. Four shifts to go!) I dreamed was walking down ...
If you read one piece today about women and sexuality, make it this one.