Oh lord, he's like a kid who's just discovered that yelling "fuck" makes everyone look at him and make a big fuss. (Analo...

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Oh lord, he's like a kid who's just discovered that yelling "fuck" makes everyone look at him and make a big fuss. (Analo...
ILLEANA , She s abt 2 make BIKINI shoot for Bollywood Movie The Most Wanted Structural Beauty Here in India Awesome ,ILLEANA's THIGHS Ov...
Sneha , Sexy even film opportunities has gone away ! Sneha , who has acted with all the leading performers of the industry inclusive of Naga...
I'm in the home stretch now. Only six shifts left. I'm so glad. Getting off work at 7 AM, getting home at 9 AM, having far less t...
Oh, it's been too long since I had a good fisk. And this one's a doozy, coming from the author of "Dilbert" of all people...
I'm a feminist, or at least a believer in sexual freedom and equality who uses the label "feminist" because that takes less sy...
Enough about problems. Enough about the way our culture hates women and men and sex. I could bitch all day and into next year about what...
I quit my job. Well, I went per diem, which is the coward's quit, because I can still make money. But I won't get benefits and I wo...
I was at a play party a ways back, and they were sealing people into a latex vacuum cube. This is a big cube that looks like this (your he...
I'm getting weird synesthetic visions almost every time I have sex now. I can't really explain it. Last night, I was having sex wit...
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Comments sections on the Internet have a strange sort of entropy, in the literal sense of reverting to lower and lower states unless they re...
Gonna Popped when u popping ur eyes on it toolbar builder I just gonna ..... hmmm wow toolbar builder Hot Aliya Aunty from Fashiyaalla...
One of the more high-level charges frequently brought against feminism is "you want men and women to be the same!" The intended i...
At the beginning of a sexual relationship, you tend to have sex pretty much any time you see each other and you've got more than 10 minu...
I was, from about the time that appearance mattered (about middle school) up until I got into the kink scene, an ugly kid. Not three-eyes-u...
Wow, the "Rape Culture Two" post is taking forever to write. In the meantime to keep the theme alive, here's a scenario that...
There is no such thing, in anthropology, as a "caveman." Some early human groups lived in caves, yes; others lived in tents or hu...
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Onward! My coworker grabbed my Cosmo at work and was reading it unironically. I don't think she understood why I kept babbling things l...
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Director's Voice : Velu Prabhakaran Said that In Indian film industry , they accepted nudism . Even people accepted in order to mainta...
White cover! Those are my favorite! Olivia Wilde! It looks like a tank top, but no, I guess it's a dress! The outlines of her breast...