The move is finished. My stuff is still a mess of boxes and piled-up junk, but it's in a new place. I can stay here. I can make it my ow...

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The move is finished. My stuff is still a mess of boxes and piled-up junk, but it's in a new place. I can stay here. I can make it my ow...
It amazes me that there is still a debate on whether female ejaculation exists. It's like hearing serious grown-ups intensely discuss th...
For the third time in sixth months, I'm moving. This is the least painful move--it's less than a mile and my new place is on the fir...
My cousin Sam is raising another man's child. His wife already had a young daughter when they met, and as Sam and his wife became closer...
Confession: this guy's stories get me off like nothing else. It's terrible. His web design is worse than incomptent-some of those l...
Something you should know about my vagina: it is not fragile. It is a big, tough muscle, as capable of stretching and flexing and holding it...
(I'm still computerless and painfully pecking these out on the iPod, but it's getting reduntant announcing it each time.) Alcohol an...
In the extremely unlikely eventuality that you haven't seen "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" yet, you really should. (If I were going t...
Sometimes I'm frustrated that I don't know exactly what I'm into. I have some general ideas on the physical stuff--biting yes p...
(I am so very frustrated with my lack of a computer. Teeny tiny non-tactile buttons on a cracked screen with no flash and no tabbed browsing...
So last night I was having sex, as I am so wont to do, and it was going really well--I was coming my brains out and then some. And then too...
If you have not seen this video , you really should. (No nudity or anything, but might be a bit hard to explain to coworkers. Especially wh...
No matter how experienced I get, sometimes I feel like there's no way to wrap my head around the concept "I will be tortured tonigh...
An ex-roommate came by and gave me free porn. I'm somewhere between proud and dismayed that it holds no interest for me. I mean, I'...
I have indiscreetly placed obvious bitemarks. Not nibbles. Heavily bruised CHOMPS. I have work soon. I'm doing my best with clothes an...
My first orgasm of the night (or day, or funeral service, courtroom session, what have you) actually takes some warmup. It's only the s...
Sometimes I think I'd like to be forced to use Strict Capitalization Protocol, just because I hate it so much.
I was watching some BDSM porn lately where a guy was verbally humiliating a girl as he fucked her. As she started getting up to her "go...
I spilled water on my laptop and now it won't start! Horror, sorrow. Typing this on iPod. Blogging will be impaired until computer dr...
The new Cosmo is here! Joy! I don't have time to do a full Cosmocking before work! Sorrow! So I'll just do one article, because, ...
Junior year of college, I spend spring break at a "retreat" to a Zen monastery. It's much weirder than I expected--everyone, ...
Since I came to Boston, my troubles in life have really shifted from "help, boys don't like me, what do I do ?" to "help,...
(Theoretically PG but probably NWS hairy man-chest.) Fun fact: cats can actually have different numbers of nipples depending on their breedi...
(Men! Tell me about your orgasms! ) So tonight was interesting. Tonight I topped. I used to top Benny, but this was a very different exper...
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! For all the emphasis we put on male attraction and titillation, male orgasm is often unexamined in our culture--dismis...
Man, theoretically non-sexual BDSM always leaves me ragingly horny. I can certainly work this out myself--at nearly 4 AM it's too late ...
Every threesome that I've ever been involved in has, at some point, included a high-five and/or fist-bump over the third person's ba...
"You go to weird perverted sex parties? Whoa, how wild and crazy! I mean, playing in the bedroom, that's one thing, but going out...
I want to have dirty wrong demeaning sex. I also want to have just plain a lot of sex. I want to have sex with a lot of people. Sometime...
Sex and kink... um, person? I'm not really sure what her title is, maybe "bigwig"--Midori has put out a call for women's ...
For some reason being extremely tired makes me horny as all fuck. I'm not sure that I have the wherewithal to actually have decent sex...
I'm not a girl, not yet a woman... I have a habit of thinking of myself as a "girl," socially. When I'm operating in the ...
1) You see a girl at a BDSM event and you notice people coming up and manhandling her without so much as a how-do-you-do, to which she react...
My social circle these days is pretty much all perverts. I got to Boston and I met people three ways: through the blog (perverts), through ...
An interesting realization I had, pondering how kink in reality compares with fantasy kink: I'm really not into the dynamic of "the...
I was recently required to take a self-defense and conflict resolution (i.e., Loony Wrasslin') class for work. Before the class they in...
Some guys, getting a blowjob, squeeze their eyes shut and go "oh oh oh nnnggghhh ahhh yes." Some guys pretty much go "yep, y...
Holy shit, I got my period! Why "holy shit"? Because I haven't had a period since April... 2008. They just stopped. I reali...
I had an upsetting conversation today with a guy. It started out with him just complimenting my tummy and round cheeks, actually rather cha...
You know what I'm shockingly bad at? Fucking on top. I just don't know how to do it right. I think everyone has a few surprising ...
"I'll blow you if you let me watch Shark Week." (He did. I did. Problematic. )
I had another hatchet-play photo on my computer, and I kept waiting until I had some kind of context to use it in, but really, what kind of ...
[The following is a composite description of a common scenario, and does not describe any individual patient.] You are an emergency medical ...
[This was the "too grouchy" post. Since people are talking about it anyway, what the hell. Just let me note that I don't thi...
I took down an excessively grouchy post. Sometimes I fall into the trap of going "ugh, men " when what I really mean is "ugh...
Last night marked the first time a stranger actually tried the "you're a submissive, right, so I order you to suck my cock" g...
I got a random message on OkCupid today, and checking it meant my status got reset to "Online Today," and that meant that I got cl...
For future reference and current amusement. PUA: Pick-Up Artist. A man who believes that fucking and (to a lesser extent) forming relation...