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Okay, quick question: why does everyone here seem to hate Jack? (Quick orientation: Jack = Lord Snuffulupagus = the guy who hosted that par...
So... I dunno. First of all I should say it was a pretty great event and I am thankful to NOMAS-Boston for putting it on. It was awesome t...
Oh shit. It looks like a whole bunch of people who were at the party have contracted a disease. It's viral, it can be treated but not ...
The best pick-up line I have ever used: "I heard you have a huge cock. Can I see?"
The theme of the "Dating While Feminist" event is based on an interview Jacklyn Friedman gave on the subject of "Fucking Wh...
Reminder: I will be part of a discussion on "Dating While Feminist" organized by NOMAS (the National Organization of Men Against S...
Although I wouldn't trade my sexual abilities for anything (maybe the lives of a busload of orphans? mayyybe? hm. nah.), in one sens...
Today was all work--a lot of work, actually, which was kind of good. Much as I bemoan my inability to brag about my butt-sluttery there, I ...
The following are SO VERY NWS and also document why you should probably buy stock in Tylenol today. Fun with Sharpies! Question: is it still...
-When certain people invite me to a "non-play event" that's really just a nice casual social barbecue, I'm just going to s...
Oh God, I feel like I just got a pelvic from Dr. Cactushands.
-Play piercing is probably not for me, at least right now. It makes me freak out on some hard-to-define "this is not right for my body...
I always think that being pregnant must be like the Saw movies. "Hello Holly. I want to play a game. In your life you have sought la...
I'm finding that after I have a really intense orgasm--or series of orgasms--God I love my life--sometimes it's not over when it...
"Your vagina is like a penis." "Thank you. I was grown in a lab." (This was in reference to function, not structure.)
Today's update is gargantuan and somewhat tedious, but I wanted to write it up both for the edification of potential play partners and a...
Pink cover! Britney Spears's head! Someone else's body! I wonder if the body model was still all "mom, I got a cover " ...
The nJoy Pure Wand is HOLYFUCKAMAZING. more later don't feel like typing now oh holyfuck
Today was the Boston Fetish Fair Fleamarket--basically a vendor fair for perverts. It was awesome. (It is also, I should point out, a non-...
38B. Every store seems to go from 36ABCD to 38CD, and it drives me nuts. 36B will strangle me, 38C will not support my boobs, and 36C is ...
I can touch my nipples to each other! Amazing. --- I got hypnotized once. The weird thing was that I never felt like my power to make deci...
Sign a first date is mediocre: "So what do you do for a living? ...That's very interesting. What made you choose that career?...
I kind of want someone to do the PUA thing to me. Just for the experience. But I realize that this is essentially a paradoxical wish, beca...
(Wow. Apparently shit is going down in Crazytown .) Here's a question that's currently bothering me: how do you acknowledge people ...
I think I'd have a lot more interest in the swinging community if it wasn't called "swinging." Because I love the idea of...
All future comments by "Ashur," or anonymous posters with strikingly similar rhetorical styles, will be deleted. They may stay up...
There's this world, online. Everything's very dramatic here--we're very open with our viewpoints and our self-disclosure, very ...
Feminists do not want to see men degraded. Feminists do not have a fixed idea of men's "proper role" in the family or in life....
(Don't let this post distract you from the AWESOME EVENT that you should totally go to if you're in the Boston area!) Today I did a...
I will be part of a discussion on "Dating While Feminist" organized by NOMAS (the National Organization of Men Against Sexism) Bos...
I've been frustrated with my social skills--or complete lack thereof--lately. People keep dropping me hints that I don't get until ...
Since I live in a somewhat urban area, my bedroom window faces another house's windows with only about 20 feet in between. Since it is ...
Please note that this post contains no names, or ages, or identifying details. I'm not even going to specify which states these inciden...
When I was in middle and high school, I was neurotic about not exposing myself in the locker room. I'd go to the furthest darkest corne...
If we take the axiom "when you sleep with someone, you're sleeping with everyone they ever slept with," and disregard time so ...