[I'm still pretty overextended with moving and work, so here's a guest post from Bruno to pick up the slack. -Holly] Women don’t li...

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[I'm still pretty overextended with moving and work, so here's a guest post from Bruno to pick up the slack. -Holly] Women don’t li...
I'm still in the process of moving. I made some progress on my Giant Pile O' Worldly Belongings, but there's a lot left to do. ...
Last night, I went to see a shadow-cast performance of Repo! The Genetic Opera . (It was freaking awesome and I am a geek.) Seeing the loc...
(Posts may be scarce for a few days, I'm moving and stuff's all crazypants.) When I'm tired enough, sex is sometimes not excitin...
On the surface of it, keeping my freaky sex life a secret seems reasonable enough. There's no reason to tell family or coworkers or unh...
I have some weird-ass sexual fantasies. To begin with, they're all set in the Matrix. I mean, in a fully immersive massively-multiplay...
From this post on I will be giving PUA/MRA trolls one comment of the same type. I think that removing opposing viewpoints, even completely...
I was sixteen. At the time, I didn't identify as kinky--I didn't even know what kinky was. I was still a prude in some ways, and t...
I'm finishing it this post. I don't care how long it takes, I'm not devoting one more post to this guy. I'm only bothering...
Welp, I've gotten this far. In for a penny, hung for a sheep, or something like that. Hence, there will be no real Men's Rights Mo...
This is getting exhausting. I'm hoping to hack through a little quicker and finish this up in six parts at the most. ...maybe seven. C...
Please ignore the following, as I have had anal sex. Feminists once had noble goals of securing voting rights, achieving educational parity...
I will hack through the whole Misandry Bubble, it's a personal challenge at this point, but I had a bad day and I need a sanity break. ...
I met up with a friend to discuss an art project yesterday evening. At least, outwardly that's what happened. It's possible that b...
A quick clarification: I do not believe we live in a misogynist or misandrist society. I think contemporary American society still contain...
Oh lord. Before I even start this, I want to make something really clear: this is just a mockery, not a rebuttal. You know the old adage a...
Purple cover! Pink! She actually looks pretty badass and her dress is this awesome metal beaded futuristic thing, I would buy it! If they...