I guess this is as good a time as any to say it. I am not Holly Pervocracy. She's a character I made up. I'm a man. My real name...

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I guess this is as good a time as any to say it. I am not Holly Pervocracy. She's a character I made up. I'm a man. My real name...
On the advice of a reader, I got an epilator. The good part is that it makes me totally, amazingly smooth without stubble, in a way shaving...
I'm back in Mass! In my very own apartment! NAKED TIME!
Very early tomorrow morning, I get on a plane for Boston. (Well, actually I get on a plane for Brussels, and then I get on a plane for Lond...
NOTE TO PEOPLE READING THIS POST: 1) Yes, it's sarcastic. The things below? Not actually true. I thought this was apparent to anyone wh...
There seems to be a lot of confusion in Internet arguments between things you have a right to do, and things you ought to do. It may be tru...
Since I left the US, I haven't shaved anything. I didn't bother bringing razors, and I didn't bother getting them here. I'...
I've mentioned the fat acceptance movement in passing many times--I'm kinda fat, they say nice things about people like me, sounds g...
Lovely day today. Dad and I walked out on a dike by the Elbe, still in the city of Hamburg but surrounded by farmland on one side and tall ...
iPhone app measures calories burned during sex I dunno, man. I don't have sex to burn calories. I eat calories so I'll have the en...
Okay. Too many dour, thinky, unsexy entries. Let's talk assfucking. Let's even do it with bullet points. On second thought, let...
Maybe once a day my dad will point out something to do with the Holocaust. There are small reminders around the city: little plaques on the...
I've joked about it before, but this time I'm serious: we need an ugly acceptance movement. I'm not really qualified to be the ...
We went to the zoo and it was awesome. Mostly because: A) They let you feed the elephants! We brought a big bag of carrots and handed them...
I have in my hands a copy of German Cosmo! I'm very excited. It's not a translation of the American one, it's locally written ...
(Experimenting with dual post format. Unsure of wisdom of approach.) Today was ordinary. I went with my dad to work, we had lunch with one...
I'm in Germany! Crazy. Some websites see my IP here and automatically make everything Deutsch, which is a little confusing. I couldn...
Porn for women
Life lesson learned: gentle sex can leave me painfully sore. The problem is that roughness turns me on. Call me ruined for life by my perv...
I'm going to Hamburg, Germany for the next two weeks to visit my dad. Leaving Monday, back on the 29th. Which is awesome, albeit sort ...
A good portion of the way driving across the country, I listened to Christian radio. I did this because I like seeking out things that make...
Guinea pigs are arranged for. Phew. Ignore previous hysterical posting.
So the latest ridiculous thing that the Internet seems to be coming down awfully hard on is "vajazzling" --the adornment of the cr...
White cover! Is it a yearly cycle? I think last April was white too, but sadly (wonderfully) I set my old Cosmos on fire rather than drag ...
I started doing a full Cosmocking for April '10, but this article required its own post. It's described on the cover as "The Ra...
I'm home.
Horrible car for sale. Eats money, shits near-death experiences. High mileage, filthy interior, low MPG, full of little surprises. Has been...
My car died. Well. It didn't just die. It died in the sense that the lights and brakes died as I was going down a steep downhill in t...
(Still in Taylor, MI. But moving on soon! ETA in Mass: Tuesday night.) I want to be a cool chick. I really want to approach sex with perf...
Alive. Visiting friends! Staying extra night. Happy. But not in posting mood. Deepest apologies.
423 miles today. I deliberately stopped earlier than I could've so that I could meet some blog people! Hi Strings and Spoon! I also do...
South Dakota is like Hoth: flattish, windswept, covered in snow, the people are friendly and not fond of the government, you know you wouldn...
On my post about little and big orgasms, a couple of women said they'd only had little ones and asked me how to do the big ones. Well, ...
This fucking fog. Visibility is well less than a block, and overnight the fog froze and coated everything with huge white ice crystals--ver...
WALL DRUG! WALL DRUG! WALL DRUG! Sadly they're closed right now, I'll go in the morning. 510 miles today, about as good as can be...
The phrase "High Speed Internet" is interpreted somewhat differently here. Although really, there's no way I would've got...
When I'm having sex with someone else it's all big O's. But when I masturbate there's two kinds of orgasms I have. One is ...