I will never understand why men will make a point of telling me they're "successful" or "professional" in the contex...

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I will never understand why men will make a point of telling me they're "successful" or "professional" in the contex...
Being indignant or snarky is easy. Being sincere is hard. When you're not on the offense or defense, you're vulnerable. But I don...
There's a bill before the Washington State Senate right now to regulate "crisis pregnancy centers." ( News link. That shoul...
I know I've posted more than my share about how beauty standards for women are stupid and unfair, and they are, but as a conventionally ...
I have rape fantasies. Not the worst kind, I don't really want to be hurt , just roughed up a bit and held down by someone I'd want...
Labrat and Quizzical Pussy both have up excellent posts about sex and adolescence, so I'm joining that bandwagon. The thing that amaze...
Sometimes just the very fact of a man's maleness turns me on. The hair he grows where women don't, the square muscular shape of his...
Today my partner told me the following joke: "What do you have when you have 200 black people in a burning airplane headed toward a cli...
A little while ago, Quizzical Pussy posted about My New Pink Button, which is labia dye. Because your labia are obviously the wrong color ...
Look at the picture. Just look at it. So this is ROXXXY, the supposed robot girlfriend. I have to say, if looks are an issue for you... RO...
Very subjective, I'm sure it's not 100% true in every case, etcetera. But I think these are good guidelines. 1) Anyone who out-and-...
Picture this: you and your guy meet at the gym, where you talk him into doing the body-pump class with you. Then you head home together, tu...
Lavender cover! Anna Faris! Her dress is a little small and has weird boob-stripes but the fabric looks super nice, I bet you could've...
My first vibrator was a gift from my boyfriend Kevin's mother, explicitly given to dissuade me from having sex with her son. This was r...
In my limited experience, of course. Your mileage will vary and men are all unique penis snowflakes. So tip number zero is communicate --l...
I guess I'm a BBW? I'm never sure if I really count. I'm pretty fat, but if I Google "BBW" they're all way bigge...
What really gets me about the whole "gay marriage" debate, besides, you know, everything , is that it seems to be based ultimately...
Everyone's still talking G-spot. They're talking about it like some poorly-designed self-reported twin study makes the G-spot retro...
Okay everybody on the Internet, let's make a deal: I won't tell you how to have orgasms, and you won't tell me that mine don...
With slight apologies to The Munchkin Wrangler. do female guinea pigs hump each other Yes. A lot. Usually on each other's faces, to ad...
I'm tired. I worked a bunch and it was hard and stuff. So, hey, Cosmocking. Everyone likes Cosmocking. 5 Girly-Man Trends That Have G...
Today I went to the town I grew up in. I moved there when I was ten and it was home, or at least the family home, until a year ago. There...
Today I took a photo of myself in my undies. That's the easy part, whether you're an amateur camwhore or a zillionare Evil Patriach...