On the one hand, I wish there was more nonsexual touch in my life. I wish my friends and I hugged more and that when we shared a sofa there...

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On the one hand, I wish there was more nonsexual touch in my life. I wish my friends and I hugged more and that when we shared a sofa there...
I love pain, but I can be kind of a finicky masochist, because I also hate pain. That is, it turns me on, but it hurts like a motherfucker ...
There's a lot of bemoaning the inability of media to include sex without being all weird about it. Books, movies, and TV shows tend to ...
Not dead, just got Fallout 3. Can't talk. Raiders. AUGH THERE'S ONE BEHIND ME AUUUGH BOOM HEADSHOT what was I saying? --- Anyway...
Is it just me, or does it seem like (with the exception of grocery and clothing stores) you see a lot more men than women alone in public? ...
There have been times that I haven't gotten further than a kiss that I've gone home with my head swimming with satisfaction and warm...
Geek boys are easy pickings, they appreciate it more, and--not to come off completely evil here--afterwards, we'll actually have things ...
LabRat on masculinity. For as long as I’ve known him, [Stingray] has always acted as though it were a long-since forgone conclusion that his...
When I lost my virginity, the movie on in the background was Tron. Back in the day, Kevin and I almost had to watch a movie to have sex. It...
White cover! I always like the white covers, they're so much nicer than the ridiculous screaming-neon-colors ones! Fergie! Right afte...
There's nothing quite like the first time you have sex with a new person. There's an element of permission-seeking, of discovery, o...
Does anyone know why I'm getting constant spam on just one post? It's kind of a vitriolic one , so I'm concerned that somehow so...
I used to be a lot more... specific... in this blog, didn't I? Used to go through practically every time I had sex in detail. I don...
The Beatles' White Album was on, disco lights were playing off the walls, and I was sitting on a beanbag chair, my clothes sort of pulle...
Also, I can fit four fingers in my butt. It's weird how quickly an act can go from being something I've only heard of, something tha...
I was at church the other Sunday (what can I say, I'm an inveterate experimenter; also, it was a UU church and I don't think you can...
So, um... does it still count as the Mile High Club if you only have sex with yourself? Hmm. (Warning: annoying porny image host because th...
I'm going to Boston tonight and getting back next Tuesday night. Updates will be sporadic (and agonizingly pecked out on a handheld) u...
Man, not only did I not choose to be attracted to both men and women, I don't even get to choose which ones.
So I was talking to a guy at a kink event about the awkward little dance of kinky pick-ups, and I mentioned that it's extra awkward when...
R-71 passes. (By a narrow margin with not all votes entered, so I shouldn't count my chickens, but oh my how many chickens I have! ) W...
Someone is putting way too much money into opposing R-71 (domestic partnerships), and I really wonder what they possibly have to gain by it....
Man, leaving Benny was about the best thing I ever did for myself. Not just because of the little abuse incident, but because it shook me ou...
My gateway drug was The Rocky Horror Picture Show . I watched it for the first time when I was maybe 13, at home in the middle of the day ...
Sometimes I'm embarrassed how little it takes to make me happy. I think I'm supposed to want to change the world somehow, to discov...