I'm getting a jump start on my NaNoWriMo project today. It was supposed to be an erotic novel, but four pages in it's turning into ...

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I'm getting a jump start on my NaNoWriMo project today. It was supposed to be an erotic novel, but four pages in it's turning into ...
Sometimes I feel like half of the population is perverts. It's really amazing how many people, once you get to where they're comfor...
I can always find my jacket really easily when I leave a fetish meetup, because I wear a brown leather jacket.
I had a Very Bad, No Good, Horrible Terrible day at work today. I don't mean "late on TPS reports" bad, I mean that I was spa...
Brush your teeth. Not just right before dates but all the time. And use mouthwash. And mints. I can't count the number of times I tho...
The other night, I had dinner with witches and goddesses, masters and slaves, 40-year-old little girls and human dogs. It was really just c...
The difference between sex and. prostitution isn't just that money gets exchanged. A prostitute accepts money in lieu of having his/her...
1. Women are rather submissive, and will appreciate a bit of take-charge in your attitude, from a little extra firmness in your touch to sho...
If you've had sex with everyone your partners have had sex with, I've had sex with a chinchilla. (Making it even worse: I learned th...
(With thanks to Unix-Jedi by way of LabRat.)
Kinky people habitually refer to themselves as "perverts"; it's sort of a half-joke, a bit of reclaimed persecution, the ...
I love seeing my own blood. Not because it's the life being drained out of me, but because it's a tiny fraction of the life that...
Shorter Atomic_Fungus : "Straight pride is no better or worse than gay pride... EXCEPT IT'S WAY BETTER BECAUSE GAYS ARE DISEASED PE...
Shit, I'm going to be twenty-four in a few weeks. I went to a bar the other night--a classy place, nice neighborhood pub, not some dive...
The controversy over breastfeeding in public weirds me out a little. Of course I'm for it--do we really want to make women feed their b...
I saw a little girl today wearing a "Straight Pride" sweatshirt. She was maybe 10 or 11. Shit, you don't even know if you'...
There's a referendum in Washington State right now about whether to extend "everything but marriage" rights to same-sex partne...
BAAC. Braaaiiiins scared me by getting it on very first comment, but no one else had a perfect score. Lessons learned: -It was far more dif...
November Cosmo is out, and this month I'm Cosmocking a little differently. Each of the following segments will have two fake quotes tha...
You may have noticed from my photos that I have lovely thick, wavy red hair. Yeah, that's basically horseshit. What I have--really--is ...
Looking for crazy on craigslist is like looking for D&D players at a fetish convention. Of all the easy targets, this is the easiest, a...
Salt water helped dramatically. Thanks to everyone who suggested it! Check out my ear being not-gross! (The tacky mystery-metal Piercing P...
Because, dude, have you ever tried it? It's, like, amazing . It's difficult to expand that to book-length, though, so instead we g...
We're lucky we're not anglerfish. (For those not biology geeks: the male anglerfish is a fraction the size of the female, and early...
I should really stop buying solo sex toys and porn. I always disappoint myself. I get all excited about the new Triple Whirring Butthole S...
The Kinky Crafters' Munch was, by far, the most enjoyable munch I've ever been to. I think it's because it wasn't about sex....
How long has it been since I last posted fun pictures? Too long! So for your brief amusement, my butt , my boobs and pinchy things and hoo...
I'm asking here because I--being some sort of stereotyping jerk--figure maybe perverts would know about piercings. I got my earlobes pie...
Of course you can buy a pale dildo that retains cold and SPARKLES.
It's very weird to discover, entirely by accident during an awkward conversational turn, that a completely conventional-seeming fortyish...