Someone asked me to do a bunch of sex toy reviews. I live to serve, so here ya go, someone! Your most basic sex toy. Okay, for starters, do...

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Someone asked me to do a bunch of sex toy reviews. I live to serve, so here ya go, someone! Your most basic sex toy. Okay, for starters, do...
I'm thankful that I've gotten to live so many of my dreams already.
We were both surprised at each others' looks when we met at the door. He'd grown a goatee; I'd started wearing glasses. We...
Well, there's always Benny. Filthy details later because I'm so tired right now. I was pretty tired during, honestly. It's har...
I'm getting desperate. Tonight's attempted fuck managed to actually be fucking me when he had his crisis of conscience. It was lit...
It's truly amazing how many men there are on craigslist who are "straight, looking to suck & fuck with another straight guy....
Okay, so in a fit of pique over being stood up I did my usual rational-adult-response thing and got a "random slut wants your random as...
Well, tonight's date was apparently Mr. Helium, because he was invisible and flew away. I showed up to the right place at the right time...
Saw Mr. Neon again tonight. I'm starting to really warm up to him as a person, but there's just no sexual component. All my though...
Date with Mr. Neon tonight. I'm washing my sheets and I don't even know why. So they'll be nice and comfy when I come home alo...
Noble Gas Boy has sent me an email gushing about how he really enjoyed our room-temperature date and really wants to see me again. Huh. I...
Nah, not getting laid tonight. I'm kinda tired and unhorny and I've got work tomorrow and I'd rather just stay in. HOT LAZY BL...
The date was a resounding "eh." He's a good-looking and good-hearted guy, and he was nice to me and we had a nice time I gues...
I'm twenty-three today! Gosh I'm old. Gosh I'm young.
Gotta get politics off the top post. I may be, I dunno, a "moderate independent liberaltarian" or whatever, but deep down my poli...
Why the fuck would you vote against gay marriage? If you're gay you're for it and if you're not you've got no self-interes...
I have an actual, honest-to-God date Sunday with someone I enjoy socially but have not exchanged photographs or discussion of genitalia with...
This may just be me, but my nipples are almost numb. I can feel it when they're forcefully bitten or pinched (mmm), but trying to gentl...
Sorry for no posty, it's been a busy week, with insane amounts of overtime (85 hour workweek, good Lord) and Halloween partyin' duti...