I've noticed I tend to think of penis size in terms of soda containers. "Hung like a Coke can." "Hung like a Monster Ener...

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I've noticed I tend to think of penis size in terms of soda containers. "Hung like a Coke can." "Hung like a Monster Ener...
The thing I remember most about fucking the giant is his teeth. Backstory. The day Alan dropped the bomb, I responded in my typical cool, c...
I've been reading some blog posts on the Open Source Boobie Project, and I'm really annoyed. Because although I think the guy who ...
I'm going off the Pill for now. I'm not having uncondomed sex with anyone anyway, I'm trying to lose weight, and I want my full...
It was a long, hard, hot day at work, and at the end of the day I was sitting in the truck next to my partner and I could smell his sweat. ...
I just started going to a new gym which has hip abducter/adducter machines. (And not a single ab-crunch bench that I can use; apparently on...
I've always been curious. Use the ticky boxes to answer anonymously if for some reason you're embarrassed to talk about your boners...
...I return to the two separate follies of writing explicitly about my personal life, and Benny. He was good though. No headgames; I think ...
It's not that I want to get back together with Alan, it's just that I wish we could hang out. Well, and have sex. And I guess with...
My grandmother is staying with me for Passover. Before she arrived, I made a considerable effort to sanitize the house--porn, SM instructio...
It's that time again! Time to reaffirm that Cosmopolitan magazine is made of poop and patriarchy! This is "The SEXY Issue,"...
Alan and I are, because of this blog, probably No More. Dammit. I'm not sure. Probably I shouldn't be posting this or leaving the b...
Alan is wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt with Godzilla on it. I'm wearing a tank top, a leather jacket, and a khaki skirt. I'm st...
I'm going to write a pair of sex and relationship advice books entitled Don't Sell This Book to Men and Don't Sell This Book to...
So apparently it's okay for the girls at work to read and laugh at Cosmo together, and it's okay to read the sexy articles out loud...
All my life, when I've been about to have sex with a man I didn't know very well, I've become painfully nauseous. I've actu...
If you want to know if your housemates can hear your vibrator, don't pay attention to how loud it is when it's two feet away from yo...
Sorry for going postless, I've been busy with some major life and job rearrangements. But Bruno just sent me a wonderful booklet on how...
I haven't seen Benny in a while and I'm fairly sure I'm not going to. Much as it pains me to admit it, the fucking fantastic b...
I've talked too much about what I don't think feminism is. (Victimhood, puritanism, or applying academic overanalysis to the real ...
Alan and I are out at a bar together, and as he leaves the table to get another drink, he runs his hand across my back as he passes and give...
I'm tired (just got a new job! I'm an EMT now! whoo!) and I haven't gotten laid in like two weeks ("C'mon baby, I nee...
I've been with, I think, roughly even numbers of circumcised and uncircumcised men. Uncut is better; when the head of the penis comes o...
My sexuality works totally differently when I masturbate compared to when I have sex. Having sex, I like a lot of penetration and not much ...
The best of this week’s blogs by the bloggers who blog them. Highlighting the top 3 posts as chosen by Sugasm participants. Want in Sugasm #...
Little hands, big wrists. :(