So I like some mildly sick shit. Not the worst (no actual shit, thankyouverymuch), but I get hit, cut, demeaned, restrained, and "for...
Scene from Sixteen Years Old.
"Holy shit, someone put horse porn on the network!" "That's horrible... open it up!" It was a woman under a stallion...
Thinkin' Bout Porn.
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Kicked out.
"You can sleep over if you're sleeping with me . You can't stay here to hide from your problems over there. Go home and sort ...
The State of the Blog.
A logo! I hope it's not too eye-burning; as I use my newfound free time to give this blog an actual visual style it's probably goin...
Everything we said the last time we had sex.
"Jeez, if you keep touching that you're going to get me all excited." "Oh no , I wouldn't want that . I'll stop ...
Road Rage.
"I masturbated in the car once. I was driving up [a 45 mph road] and I got really horny and I had a bottle in the car..."
i am really drunk posting this just so you know
(Links are NWS and show real [very minor, very consensual] sexually-inflicted injuries.) Okay, fine. Jesus. I admit it. I'm a tool of...
Like sex? Dare to talk about it? UNCLE TOM!
Darnit, I'm not done being angry. Twisty's new post on sex-positive feminism is so goddamn narrow-minded. There's so much in ...
I honestly don't remember if it was his teeth or his nails (my memory-forming skills are disturbingly poor during good sex; there have b...
Birds and Bees.
When I was four years old my mother got pregnant with my little sister. Naturally I asked how it'd happened, and she gave me an admirab...
I love men!
I have to stop reading radical feminist writing. I consider myself a feminist, but with two caveats: 1) Some of my best friends are men. T...
Let's put the Perv back in Pervocracy!
I was nervous going to his house. I know him, I've seen him a hundred times--I was so on edge that my stomach hurt. He met me at the do...
All the sex advice I can give.
1. Communicate. Talk before sex, during sex, after sex. You can't read their mind and they can't read yours, so volunteer what you...
Mars and Venus in the Bedroom.
Reading this book may be one of the most shamelessly unfair things I've ever done on this blog. I gave it no chance, admitted no redee...
Fish Loves Her Bicycle.
I think I do, in fact, need a man. Emotionally, sexually, socially--I'm really not as happy when there isn't a man in my life. It...
Sometimes Stupid Statements Sound Sexy.
Alan flushes during sex. "You're all red." "I wonder why that is?" "Cause you're getting fucked ." ...
Giving In.
I have trouble submitting. Not masochisting (or however you verb that); physically intense things are easy for me. But the same thick-skin...
The Dance.
You start standing up. Fully clothed, facing him, and then into the traditional slow-dance pose: your arms up around his neck, his hands on...
Alan and I were having sex with me on top, and he reached his hand down to rub my clit. I'm a mutant; I don't like clit stimulation....
Life in Heworld.
(I wrote a version of this post last year and it prompted Bruno to coin the word "Pervocracy." So there's great sentimental v...
Gauging Normalcy.
Assume there's a bell curve of sexual desire. -3 is totally asexual, +3 is extremely hypersexual. The vast majority of the population i...
Vanilla Boy.
Whenever I talk about BDSM, Alan squirms. (I don't ever talk about what I've done with Benny specifically, that would be sort of no...
Just another lovely night.
Alan is amazing. My nipples hurt so bad I can barely wear a t-shirt. He offered to let me move in. Not a decision or anything, I'm not ...
Day and Night.
So today after work I talked to (or possibly moped on) Alan, and Jesus, I don't appreciate him enough. Not that he's some kind of pe...
Had an absolutely amazing scene with Benny--my entire body wrapped in rope, buttplug up my ass, him whipping me and forcing his cock down my...
Prep work.
Shower. Shave all body hair as thoroughly as possible. Dry and straighten hair. Clean toys. Coil rope. (Or do that cool chainy thing whe...
The Joy of Not Coming.
I like getting oral sex. I don't, unless the giver is very enthusiastic and determined, have orgasms from it. It's exciting and f...
Win-Win Situation.
Sometimes Alan and I have arguments about who should have an orgasm. "But I want to give you one, dammit!"
Loving my body.
I've posted my disembodied tits and cooter on this blog before, but this is a bit harder. This (NWS) is my whole damn body. (I was b...
Jerkin' Beatin' Whackin'.
It seems like there's no sexual activity that gets less respect in our culture than male masturbation. Partner sex is of course the Ult...
On my knees.
It's simply the most comfortable way to suck cock, isn't it? Kneeling before a standing man. Nothing to do with prayer, supplicat...
Ways in which I am a bad feminist.
•I don't actually believe that women of all shapes, sizes, ages, disabilities, and fashion senses are beautiful. Lots are! And I try n...
Man, online BDSM communities can make online fandom communities look polite, open-minded, and well-connected with reality. Quotes from a (c...
He was a boy, she was a girl, could it be any less relevant?
One of the things I love about my relationship with Alan (and there are increasingly many, and most of them are disgustingly soppy things li...