Alan and I were in bed together under the covers, with me stroking his cock. He closed his eyes and started to groan and move his hips into...

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Alan and I were in bed together under the covers, with me stroking his cock. He closed his eyes and started to groan and move his hips into...
Very often, when we're just starting to have sex, Alan and I will smile at each other. Or flat out laugh. Later on stuff will get seri...
"Oh Jesus, Alan. Jesus. Oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Alan JESUS CHRIST!" sigh kiss "You're Jewish, doofus."
A while ago , I read the original 1971 book Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) , and found it hilarious...
There's nothing I like more than finding out what someone's sexual fantasies are and doing my damndest to fulfill them. To learn th...
I have breasts. They're awesome. Breasts are pretty. All sorts. Even man-breasts, usually. The good-looking ones are usually called ...
I used to cut myself. I stopped when I started getting laid regularly. It's not that sex instantly changed my psyche so much, but it g...
"If we ever grew old together--and I know we won't--but if we did I know exactly where I'd want to retire. There's an empt...
I love kissing. Being face against face, literally tasting a man with eyes closed and my whole being somehow living in my lips and tongue a...
I got the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus out of the library purely so I could hate it. (I have a bad habit of seeking out th...
Both boys have simultaneously and inexplicably developed a fascination with cracking my joints. "Hey honey, give me your hand for a sec...
Alan and I are becoming so... comfortable. The way we talk to each other, the way we touch each other--it's not all that affectionate i...
Benny (and every other partner I've had) has woman-on-top sex in the "normal" way--man holds more or less still, woman moves b...
I'm becoming increasingly aware that the female body (or a pinched and bulged caricature thereof) is used as a shorthand for "sexy....
I am no longer technically eligible to donate blood. "Have you had sex with a man who has had sex with another man since 1977, even onc...
Benny actually did the porn thing. We were having sex and he suddenly pulled out and told me to kneel on the floor. I did and he stood ove...
Benny was tied spreadeagle, blindfolded and gagged and his nipples clamped, and I was fucking him. Suddenly his hands pulled out of the cuf...
I just found out that a couple I used to know, the man 22 and the woman 24, are exchanging sexy pictures with a 17-year-old they met on an a...
Okay, the Pervocracy is back online after some Internet harassment. People are mean when they're anonymous. And even though I've m...
The only good paper in town, The Stranger , has published its annual reader-submitted Valentine blowout. (Jon put one in for me, yay!) An...
This issue has the word "va-jay-jay" on the cover. Urgh. Can we just say "cunt" like grownups? (Okay, that's mayb...
Two men I know are in the same situation: their relationships were starting to break up, so the women they were dating secretly stopped usin...
My very close, very dear, but incredibly socially conservative friend Julie kept asking how things were going with Alan, and a couple days a...
Standing at the foot of Alan's bed, both of us down to our jeans, clinched tight together. Our lips are pressed tight together, long hu...
Y'know, conventional married couples also need sexuality education, birth control, and sometimes abortion services. I swear, the way so...
Nearly all of my sexual fantasies are about giving pleasure. I imagine I'm feeling pain or nothing for the sake of pleasing a demanding...
Okay, so poo-eating porn is a tiny, tiny niche and absolutely disgusting to everyone outside that niche, right? If you made a video of a wo...
When a guy says he's into anal sex, there's always that moment of awkward uncertainty. "Uh... my butt or your butt?"
"A girl puked on my cock once. I didn't even notice. We were in the dark and I guess she was really embarrassed so she cleaned it...
The store had a two-for-one deal on Valentine's chocolate arrangements. It's like they know me. (Do people buy those things for the...
Under the cut, because it's longish, some keywords people have used to find this blog recently. how to swallow cum This was the number o...
That Goddamn Holiday is coming. This'll only be the second year I've had a boyfriend on Valentine's Day. The last time was wit...