I've mentioned before in passing that there's a big overlap between perverts and geeks. There are always people wearing their colla...

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I've mentioned before in passing that there's a big overlap between perverts and geeks. There are always people wearing their colla...
I keep putting off looking for a boy because I feel like I'm not attractive enough. I know this is dumb. A) I'm not getting any mo...
Silent night missletoe or a camel toe lol holy night Exhibitionist male seeking voyuer females to watch me shoot my load. All is calm If you...
I was at the zoo the other day (the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium--Zoolights are on 'til the 4th!) and I saw a Beluga ( a white whale ...
I love being naked. I sleep naked every night. (I put on a bathrobe to leave the room, even just to the bathroom--my roommate puts up with...
It's sex, so your mileage may and does vary. Hell, I can't keep the same mileage myself for two weeks running. But certain things ...
Here's a question I still haven't quite learned to answer like a grown-up: "So, uh, what're you into?" Imagine going t...
Purple cover! Amanda Bynes! Funny, I always thought it was "Byrnes" until now! Wearing a leopard-print dress thing that looks l...
The worst part of being single right now, the one thing that cannot be replaced by any combination of emotionally intimate friends and physi...
Shit, a whole week? I've been a very naughty blogger. I should be punished. Spanked. Made to tell you what a dirty dirty girl I am a...
What does it mean when a guy is hard as hell when you slide a buttplug up his ass, hard and dripping and making little "mmm" noise...
Sex toys always have embarrassing names. I'm not really sure what name wouldn't be embarrassing though; none comes to mind. It...
Oh man. This right here, this is 90% of the reason I'm taking a break from the kink community right now. (5%: Because my job is suckin...
Someone asked me to do a bunch of sex toy reviews. I live to serve, so here ya go, someone! Your most basic sex toy. Okay, for starters, do...
I'm thankful that I've gotten to live so many of my dreams already.
We were both surprised at each others' looks when we met at the door. He'd grown a goatee; I'd started wearing glasses. We...
Well, there's always Benny. Filthy details later because I'm so tired right now. I was pretty tired during, honestly. It's har...
I'm getting desperate. Tonight's attempted fuck managed to actually be fucking me when he had his crisis of conscience. It was lit...
It's truly amazing how many men there are on craigslist who are "straight, looking to suck & fuck with another straight guy....
Okay, so in a fit of pique over being stood up I did my usual rational-adult-response thing and got a "random slut wants your random as...
Well, tonight's date was apparently Mr. Helium, because he was invisible and flew away. I showed up to the right place at the right time...
Saw Mr. Neon again tonight. I'm starting to really warm up to him as a person, but there's just no sexual component. All my though...
Date with Mr. Neon tonight. I'm washing my sheets and I don't even know why. So they'll be nice and comfy when I come home alo...
Noble Gas Boy has sent me an email gushing about how he really enjoyed our room-temperature date and really wants to see me again. Huh. I...
Nah, not getting laid tonight. I'm kinda tired and unhorny and I've got work tomorrow and I'd rather just stay in. HOT LAZY BL...
The date was a resounding "eh." He's a good-looking and good-hearted guy, and he was nice to me and we had a nice time I gues...
I'm twenty-three today! Gosh I'm old. Gosh I'm young.
Gotta get politics off the top post. I may be, I dunno, a "moderate independent liberaltarian" or whatever, but deep down my poli...
Why the fuck would you vote against gay marriage? If you're gay you're for it and if you're not you've got no self-interes...
I have an actual, honest-to-God date Sunday with someone I enjoy socially but have not exchanged photographs or discussion of genitalia with...
This may just be me, but my nipples are almost numb. I can feel it when they're forcefully bitten or pinched (mmm), but trying to gentl...
Sorry for no posty, it's been a busy week, with insane amounts of overtime (85 hour workweek, good Lord) and Halloween partyin' duti...
Man, the abstinence movement rhetoric about oxytocin is weird . Never mind that the scientific basis is pretty shaky. Never mind that it...
To not have one more anonymous fuck or play session until I have been on at least one honest-to-God, clothes-on, actual-conversation-made da...
Shove me to my knees, piss in my face, make me call you Daddy, beat me til I cry. Let's engage in humiliation, watersports, role-play, a...
And part-time indie rocker, hair jet black and spiky, body pale and lean. I met him near his apartment, in a cool part of town, where even ...
1. Mr. Standalone Dick Shot "u like wat u see? 8 inches" [picture of angry purple erection, taken down body, dick clenched in fist...
Lauren Conrad on the cover! Whoever that is! And she's wearing a top that looks sort of like a sports bra and sort of like a corset! ...
Another random fuck today! Sometimes I worry a little that this is a dangerous hobby, and it is, but I think the dangers also get overhyped...
FYI: I would lick the sweat from Joel McHale's balls. Also, Anthony Bourdain! And he probably tastes a lot worse.
The last time I had sex it was a one-night stand with a chef with pierced nipples and a charming resemblance to a younger Anthony Bourdain. ...
I hung out with Benny and I feel better. We didn't play or fuck, just talked and watched TV all cuddled up. There's probably somet...
I'm having a lonely. A pretty harsh one actually. I think I need to find myself an actual date. I've had a bad streak of playing w...
Hallo, die Deutschen! Ich bin sehr sexuell erregt durch Ihre Rasse! Bitte senden Sie mir einige Ihrer köstliche Bier!
Unfortunately, at work we're very comfortable talking about our sex lives. No problem if your sex life is basically a binary "I go...
I played with a new top today and sadly I think it was one of the least satisfying experiences since I've been active in the kinky commu...
Don't worry, everything's perfectly safe! I've got one of these! Not that they're a bad idea, of course, but these things s...
I am, in a sort of amicable and inevitable way, single again. Sigh. It's (I hope) not a "fuck you, you crazy bitch" thing ha...
I was playing with a puppy last night. By "puppy," I mean "grown ass man down on all fours going 'ruff' and begging ...
Welp, I shot the bit. It's for a piece about craigslist's beautifully skanky Casual Encounters page and I told stories about meetin...
Every year, Seattle's awesome alternative weekly The Stranger hosts a porn/sexually-oriented-filmmaking-of-some-sort festival called HU...
What is it with firefighters and craigslist? I mean, I know they're manhos and have as much right to be as any profession short of NAS...
You know, I don't want to become a cougar when I get older. I just want to be really, really into dudes my own age.
"Hey! You two! No horseplay out here!" "Oh no, she's a human all the time."