Saturday, 17 July 2010

Today was the Boston Fetish Fair Fleamarket--basically a vendor fair for perverts. It was awesome. (It is also, I should point out, a non-play and clothes-on event, featuring only the sort of activities that would be PG-13 if they weren't all fetishey. So go ahead and bring Grandma.) Apparently the Summer Flea is nothing compared to the winter one and this wasn't even big by summer standards, but it was big by my standards.

I walked in and I'm ashamed to admit it, but for a moment I just gawped. Sexy stuff! Kinky stuff! Just out on tables where God and everyone can see it! There's fake wangers just right out there! And leather and medical toys and rubber and hitting things and tie-y-uppy things and oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh! Then I met up with some friends and... I didn't really mellow out, I kept "oh my gosh"ing pretty much all day, but at least I was doing it socially.


Deeply Meaningful Quote Of The Day: "My main physical experience with BDSM is getting hugged."

It's true, man. Both in the positive sense that this community is far more sociable and supportive than I think most outsiders could guess, and in the negative sense that sometimes I worry that I'm better at being a BDSM community member than I am at actually playing.


I got stapled. Like, with a surgical stapler. It's significantly less horrible than it sounds. (Trying to remove it without the proper tool, however, is quite horrible. That's when I started bleeding.)


I got an nJoy Pure Wand! Eeeeeeee! It's big and it's metal and it's hard and I'm going to stuff it in my orifices and there will be joy! The nJoy booth people were really friendly and helpful, too.

I also got an Evil Stick! Whee! I'm not going to be able to wear a swimsuit in public again for the next... ever!


"Man, this is a lot like the Ren Faire.'s the same people, too."


Mostly, the Flea was fun. It was a place to do happy rompy silly things and shop from a boggling array of the toys that I'm used to seeing in the tiny Corner of Shame in a sex shop. It was a place to catch up with people from all over the kinky world. It was a place to talk to the experts who make toys and know more than you can imagine about their history and construction and use.

It was a place to press my breasts against another girl's breasts and then we both jumped up and down while giggling. You probably should have been there.


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