Tuesday, 11 August 2009

1. This person on the Internet/in a magazine is a jerk and a moron! It's pretty obvious from the start, but let me explain exactly why in a ranty and condescending manner.

2. I found another thing that gives me orgasms! Let's add it to the list right after "the scent of bookbinding glue" and "accidentally elbowing a stranger in an elevator."

(2a. Hey look, my sexual organs! LOOK.)

3. Waaah, I'm not pretty enough, I haven't gotten laid in like an entire week, wahh! Comments from people who haven't been laid in 28 years are inevitable on these.

4. I like a guy romantically, and it's making me just a little insecure! Or just a little clinically insane.

5. I have an extremely popular political position that 98% of my readers will share! I shall argue my case as if this were a pitched debate.

(Edit/Explanation: When I started this blog, there was a lot of newness in my sex life--not necessarily in acts or partners, but in ways of thinking about it. I was able to see a lot of different angles on fucking, and that was what I really wanted this blog to be about. So although I won't stop it entirely, I'm a little frustrated by the way the snarky/livejournaly cheap posts have come to predominate. Cosmocking is funny, ranting gets interesting comments, but I want to think and write things that are constructive and new. This is kind of my little note-to-self about that.)

(And what is it but a livejournaly snark on myself? Sheesh...)


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